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Psychological Assessments for Immigration



We are highly trained in psychological assessments/evaluations for immigration purposes. The team at Inclusive Counseling is passionate about reaching the underserved and providing non-biased, thorough psychological assessments/evaluations. We work with numerous lawyers on a wide range of immigration cases including:


  • Petitions for Extreme Hardship Waivers

  • Domestic violence (VAWA)

  • Asylum cases

  • U-Visa Cases 

  • T-Visa Cases 


A psychological evaluation for immigration is a professional assessment of the mental health and capability of an individual seeking to immigrate to the U.S. It is used to help immigration courts decide if a person should remain in the United States. The evaluation documents mental health conditions as well as how deportation would affect the individual and his or her family.


Why do I need an immigration evaluation?


Psychological evaluations are usually required for a hardship waiver, U-Visa, VAWA, and asylum cases. Your immigration attorney will refer you for an evaluation as needed.


The benefits of a psychological evaluation on your immigration case are substantial. In general, only about 30 to 35% of asylum cases are approved, but cases that include a psychological evaluation have an almost 90% approval rate. Perhaps the best step for your case is to add a psychological evaluation.

Why choose Inclusive Counseling for Immigration Assessment?

We are highly trained and offer uniquely tailored assessments for those needing psychological assessments for immigration cases. 

It is important to note, that while a psychological evaluation can greatly strengthen your case, the therapist/ evaluator makes no guarantees regarding the outcome of the case. The format used by Inclusive Counseling has a high success rate. The report can vary from 10-20+ pages depending on the case circumstances and can address very import questions for the client's specific case, documenting the invisible injuries and psychological factors of your case. 


The typical timeframe for a completed evaluation and report can be between 14-21 days, depending on need. Expedited services are available for an additional cost.


Clients can come to the office or evaluations can be conducted via a HIPAA compliant video chat platform. Your assessor is also able to go to your lawyer's office for the evaluations if that is more comfortable. Sessions are available in English and other languages via an interpreter. 


These conversations are not a test. We strive to keep your interview casual and comfortable. Inclusive Counseling's goal is always to provide a place filled with respect and kindness. The same is true in immigration evaluations.




  • Two 90-minute evaluation meetings (at least one week apart)

  • Gathering of collateral information from outside sources

  • Personal detailed interview

  • Detailed report with history, assessment scores, diagnosis, and recommendations

  • Mental health support referrals if necessary

  • Online or in person interview available


We will discuss:​


  • Any previous mental health diagnoses

  • Your current situation

  • Your plans for the future

  • Your support system in the U.S.

  • Past trauma or difficulties  



Cost per assessment - $950


Half of the payment ($475) is due to book the first evaluation, a valid credit card is required to be placed on file, and the remainder ($475) is due prior to your report being released to anyone. 


Expedited reports: for a fee of $300, the report can be completed in 2 weeks. 


Court testimony is an additional fee of $160/hour if needed.



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